HRA Plan Document Options Available in 2023 For Just $199

The IRS requires employers who want to set up a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) to establish a written HRA Plan Document.  An HRA is an employer-sponsored limited self-funded group health plan.

HRA Plan Documents available in 2023 from Core Documents

Section 105 HRA for one employee or spouse available since 1954. Section 105 HRA is unique because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did not consider a one-employee HRA a group health plan. It escaped many of the limitations of the 2+ employee HRA plans after the ACA.

HRA Plan Document

Group Coverage HRA (GCHRA) for 2+ employees available since 1954, dubbed HRA in 2004 by the IRS and limited in 2014 by ACA. After the Affordable Care Act, the HRA for 2 or more employees had to be integrated with employer-sponsored group health insurance. The following six HRA design options are available.

A comprehensive HRA Plan Document can pay any or all expenses not covered by the insurance plan (see IRS Publication 502).

Deductible Gap HRA Plan Document allows employer to buy a cheaper $5,000 deductible. Employee only pays $2,000 deductible. The employer sets up HRA to pay $2,001 to $5,000 with premium savings.

Limited HRA Plan Document for any specific charge or combination of charges such as dental, large hospital copy, etc.

Medicare HRA Plan Document allows groups with less than 20 employees for employees who prefer Medicare as Primary Payer.

Retiree HRA is set up specifically for retired employee benefit payouts.

Excepted Benefit HRA (EBHRA) started Jan 1, 2020, integrated with employer group health and pays $1,950 a year for excepted benefits such as dental, vision, chiropractic, etc.

Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA) available Jan 1, 2017, for employers with less than 50 employees without group health insurance to pay individual health insurance and out-of-pocket medical. Annual limits apply, for 2023: $5,850 for Individuals and $11,800 Family.

Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) is available January 1, 2020, for employers of any size without group health insurance to pay individual health insurance and out-of-pocket medical.

The HRA plan document is currently discounted to just $199 from $299 in a one-time fee. The Plan Document only needs to be updated when there are changes in the Code or ACA law, or if you want to change the Plan eligibility or benefit offering.


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